Over 80 years of history...

Moreau company history

1930 was the year of the first millet harvest at the Moreau farm. Joseph and Marie Joseph Moreau were at the helm of this small business, which was handed down from generation to generation.

For Frédéric Moreau, the company's current president. It is not only a perpetual adventure that has lasted for over 80 years, but also a means of offering new products in line with new consumer aspirations.


In 1962, the French company began exporting its products to Belgium and the UK. This marked the beginning of a new era in their international development. This visionary initiative paved the way for many milestones throughout the company's history.

Since Frédéric Moreau (4th generation) took over the business in 2010, the company, while retaining the values of the land, has evolved towards new products and new brands such as Octave Bauchant and Wasabycat. It's no longer just birds of the air that benefit from millets' harvests, as the product range evolves to meet the needs of rodents, chickens, reptiles and many others.

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